Sunday, November 27, 2011

Form to the Body - Jewelry Assignment 2 - Fall 2011

This was taken just after soldering the pieces together, so it has changed a little since it was taken being that it is shorter now on the bottom right chain as well as cleaner looking in general.
For my design I wanted to create a piece that would incorporate the back. Going off of the idea that one would be able to put  this piece of jewelry on like a backpack, I then proceeded to develop and refine my idea.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

3D 2011 Fall project

For this project we had to choose an object from memory using felt as our material.
Immediately I thought of my favorite children's book Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins. In one scene Hershel is about the light the Hanukkah candles when a repulsive goblin walks in. Hershel tells him that before he destroys the candles he should help himself to a pickle. Little does the goblin know that it was all a trick and he ends up getting his hand stuck in the pickle jar. I wanted to create that so I made a rendition of the goblin hand using the thick felt given and hand sewing the whole thing. It is an interactive piece, where the hand fits on like an over sized glove.