Friday, September 10, 2010

Thoughts On Tuesday (Sept. 7) Lecture: Bauhuas Movement

The lecture on Bauhaus and its progression into today's society I thought gave great inspiration to us young foundation students. The whole premiss of the speaker's speech was talking not only about the history of the Bauhaus movement but also to highlight the fact that this was a movement determined to really get down to the bottom of what the principals of art were and what an art student really should be learning. Because of that the classic styles of art were there but not entirely focused upon. For the first time artists were able to use imagination and mix in the traditional teachings with the new ones. Then the speaker brought this to present day. Tyler is not just a place for success for a future career but also to highlight that an individual can use basic skills that the school will teach you and then apply it to a specific field. Along with that some great websites were introduced to hit the point that we may live in the "future" but there is a future beyond this one and people are doing things to improve it. One website that was suggested by the speaker to take a look at, I happen to look into thoroughtly and found that it is a competition for new and innovative ideas that people turn into actual products to better our society. 2010's winner was for "The Eyewriter", a mechanism used to help those with paralysis write and create and draw with their eyes despite their handicap. Truly is amazing.
I know for me, learning about and listening to that lecture has opened up some interesting thoughts to me as to what possibilities there are for a career for me in creativity. If you want to look more into "The Eyewriter" there is a 5 minute video on the website below and some information about it, I recommend it for sure. 

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