Monday, October 4, 2010 speech: Rives on 4 a.m.

The poet, John G. Rives, gives a fascinating and hilarious speech, filled with irony. I had to watch it a few times because of the pure coincidental connections that so many things in this world have tied to the time of 4 o'clock in the morning. Rives talks about how its the worst possible time to be awake in the morning and yet people seem to always be doing things at the time. For instance he says plotting someones killing in the movie "The Godfather." He goes on this whole web of connections to what people are doing at 4 in the morning. In his whole schpiel he gives it the name of the "Giacometti Code." It is here, in the picture above where Giacometti, an sculpture and artist, has a piece called The Palace at 4 in the Morning. This was made in 1932. Rives then goes on a rampage of hilarity, linking actors and writers to Giacometti and his life. I cannot do it as brilliantly as he does but just typing into google "4 a.m.", brings up a lot of connections to the actress Judy Dench, another famous actor who killed himself the same day that a writer was receiving the Nobel Prize. And coincidentally enough she was born in 1932 when the sculpture above was produced! The connections keep going and I found that to be so incredibly interesting and fascinatingly funny. Rives delivers this speech so well that had anyone else done it, it probably would have been interesting but not as much so and not as humorous as Rives made it. I totally recommend watching, if not once, more.

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